Virtually everyone speaks on a daily basis, yet very few people have learned how to get the most out of their voices. Do you worry that your voice doesn’t carry, or that your tone isn’t welcoming? Do you wish you had more confidence when speaking in front of groups? Whether you are seeking professional development or fuller personal expression, voice coaching can help you find greater comfort, clarity, and even joy in speaking.

Voice coaching can address:

  • Presentation skills
  • Speech anxiety
  • Alignment, breath control, support
  • Accent reduction
  • Vocal tension or discomfort
  • Vocal health
  • Volume issues
  • Vocal variety and flexibility
  • And much more…

First impressions count, in both personal and professional contexts. Scientists at the University of Glasgow found that listeners form a fairly detailed opinion of a speaker simply based on the word, “hello.” The power of the voice doesn’t stop there—people rely on their voices every day for one-on-one communication and for that often dreaded activity, public speaking. Rebecca provides strategies and exercises to help students collect their thoughts, connect with their voices, and communicate effectively in any setting. No two students and no two voices are alike, and Rebecca customizes her lessons accordingly to meet each student’s individual needs.